Author: Graham Mummery
Graham Mummery was born in Altrincham, Cheshire but has lived in and around Sevenoaks, Kent for most of his life. For a time he worked in investment banking which he left just before the crisis, and so wonders if there was any correspondence between the two events.
Since then he has completed training to become a psychotherapist. His poems have appeared in various UK magazines, anthologies and websites. With poetrypf.co.uk, some of these have been translated into Romanian and broadcast on Radio Romania Culture as part of the poetry pRO project, others into German as part of the sister project Poetry tREnD. He was one of the British poets who attended the W-orte Festival at
Ludwig-Maximillian University, Munich in 2010.
In addition to this Graham has also translated poems from French and German which have also appeared in periodical as well as the translation anthologies from French and German Over the Water (Hearing Eye Press) and Across Frontiers (Create Space) with Camden Mews Translators. He collaborated in translating from Romanian into English Deepening the
Mystery (EdituraSemene) by Christiana Maria Purdescu.
He has also been active as a member of the Kent and Sussex Poetry Society in which he was treasurer for many years. Meeting My Inners is his first full collection.