Author: Jane Duncan Rogers
Jane says “I was devastated when my husband died – this was not in our plans! My greatest fear had come true, my life had completely changed, I was on my own again at age 54, too young to be an old widow, but too old to be a young one. However, little did I know that 3 years on I would be publishing a book called Gifted By Grief. How could I be gifted by this terrible loss? And yet I was – and that has led me directly to what I do now”
Jane’s background of 25 years in the psychotherapeutic and training field has been perfect for the not for profit she now runs Before I Go Solutions. Together with her team of trained End of Life Planning Facilitators, she offers products and programmes to help people complete their end of life plans, something many have good intentions about but never quite actually get round to doing.
She lives in the north of Scotland, got married again in between lockdowns, and she and her new husband are building not only a new life but a new eco-house together.
Jane Duncan Rogers
CEO Before I Go Solutions CIC,
- Author of: Before I Go: The Essential Guide to Creating A Good End of Life Plan and Gifted By Grief
- Speaker on TedX talk: How to Do A Good Death
- Training in End of Life Plan Facilitation
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