Author: Katherine Baldwin
Katherine Baldwin is an intuitive love, dating and relationships coach, mid-life mentor and author of How to Fall in Love – A 10-Step Journey to the Heart (Soul & Surf, revised edition published Feb 2018). She coaches women and men to have healthy, authentic relationships with themselves and to form a loving relationship with another, to walk through their fears, pursue their passions and create lives that they love. As well as 1-2-1 coaching, she leads workshops, courses and retreats. Katherine has a Diploma in Counselling and Psychotherapy Skills from the Westminster Pastoral Association and 14 years of experience helping herself and others recover from self-sabotaging behaviours including eating disorders, workaholism and dysfunctional relationship patterns. Katherine writes and speaks on relationships and personal development for the national media, including Psychologies, Red and Woman's Hour. She is a former international journalist for the news agency Reuters. As such, she is an accomplished communicator and experienced trainer, as well as an empathetic and compassionate coach.
For more about Katherine's work: www.howtofallinlove.co.uk